Race Round the World
Dear parents,
It is now the time to offer support to the wider Scouting community. Yesterday saw the launch of a new national fundraising campaign called "Race Round The World" to support 500 Scout Groups that are on the point of closure due to the impact of Covid-19. Many of these Scout Groups are in areas of deprivation so it would be great if we could offer our support during this crisis.
We have created 4 Teams for this national Scouting fundraising campaign. You can either donate to the team directly, or if willing you can join one of the teams and setup your own fundraising page for this campaign. If doing so please select our team first, then click "Join team". During the sign up process you'll be asked for the Group Name, for Beavers/Cubs/Scouts please enter "3rd Portchester" and for Explorers please enter "Watkins Explorers", when you are prompted for the District it is "Fareham East".
There is an offer for 20% of the funds we raise to come to our Scout Group or Explorer Unit and we will be making a decision regarding these funds at our next Exec meeting in November. We will also be discussing if there are other ways we can support fellow Scout Groups that are in dire need.
We recognise that after our recent successful Crowdfunder project, that this a huge ask for you to get involved with this national fundraising campaign, so participation is very much optional for those that wish to be involved.
Yours in Scouting,
Peter Leach - Group Scout Leader, 3rd Portchester